Monday, June 14, 2010

Battery is Everywhere

Funny Creative Photography By Howard Berman

After graduating at the Art Institute in San Francisco, Howard Berman moved to New York, where he opened his own studio. He is winner of many prestigious awards including the Grand Prix at Cannes. Specialties: Advertising, People, Animals, Dogs, Humor, Conceptual, Healthcare, Portraits, Special Effects, Children/Babies, Digital, Fantasy, Location, Digital Imaging, Campaigns… This is one funny and ironic photo gallery by this great photographer.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Modern House Boat of the Future by Joanna Borek Clement

The Tafoni Floating Home by Joanna Borek Clement was designed to change peoples minds about living in a house boat. The ultra modern design of the Tafoni may be enough to sway many of us not to mention the possibilities including no property taxes and the ability to move on command. The 89 square meters of living space is divided into three main areas including a kitchen, living and bedroom. The center of the boat containing the kitchen features a sun room to help keep things nice a well lighted without burning energy. The Tafoni is still in the conceptual stages but represents the future of floating homes and house boats.

The Easiest Way To Load A Boat Onto The Back Of A Truck

Who would have guessed that ramming a truck into a telephone pole would be the easiest way to load a boat onto the back of a truck. It also just happens to be the quickest way to lose said truck…

The Dragon Backpack

Check out this Dragon Backpack that we found whilst browsing the webz. This is one imposing backpack, it may be a hard look to pull off, but we thought it was too cool to not share with you guys.

An Amazing Festival of Lights Marked the World

In each legend, myth and story of Deepawali lies the significance of the victory of good over evil, and it is with each Deepawali and the lights that illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. From darkness unto light — the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate every corner of India and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, mingled with the sounds of fire-crackers, joy, togetherness and hope. Diwali is celebrated around the globe.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Midget Kingdom

No one ever worries about the plight of the midget. Sure the blacks were enslaved and suppressed by the white man for centuries… that happened years ago. Imagine, if you will, being a midget and spending your life running away from kids wanting to get your pot of gold, stoners trying to hit you in the nuts to see if you really will turn into nine squirrels, and rednecks who want to cover you in velco and throw you headfirst into a felt wall. Sounds pretty horrific don’t it…